Saturday, May 09, 2009


Like a river that runs deep is silent
So as the past days stealthily went

The the father and son reunited
The good old ways and the good old days...
The new pages and the beautiful changes
The mending and the ending

The big gathering
The immense blessing
The higher calling...

The big leap and the great plunge
That, which was finally let out
The uncertainties and the ambiguities
The waiting...
The longing...

Yet again I see great things unfold
The river flows... silenty.


Mayette said...

Bakit walang nag-comment dito? Ako mag-comment: I can feel the writer has leaped into something exciting--? How was it? How's the waiting, the longing?

Vintage Manuel 'to. Only such emotions can make one a poet--"out of the depths of one's Heart"


Mayette said...

I remember the book I lent you about Fathers and Sons relationships...