Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Red Light

Man's spirit is set on default to hope. Despite all the crazy misfortunes, you try to keep afloat and hope that it's going to be better. Hope... Hope could be very stubborn as it pushes you to keep on. To breathe each gasping breath. To take each limping stride. To grapple in pitch darkness.

But what happens when that final flicker of hope finally dies? When the slap-in-your-face-that-it's-over finally sinks in and the kind of devastation you felt in knowing it the first time is nothing compared to the harrowing agony of your helpless spirit in accepting the reality of it?

How do you makes sense out of all these? How could you even pick up your broken self when all that's in you is the physical energy to live but your spirit is dying? When even desperation decided to give up?

What do you do when the things you know and the things you were told and the things you learned doesn't help to understand why? What do you do when the will left in you is the will to give up?

How can you not stop?


Marya said...

when everything goes wrong...keep right! the right attitude, the right mind...keep the right relationship..with the ROCK that cannot be moved ...sometimes we really don't need to understand things..we just have to go through it...keep the faith..you'll get through this...you have us =) sorry that's your consolation hehe