Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm wearing my new shirt. I have been wanting to buy this for months now. I wanted is as mush as I wanted to be a chef!

Work again. Tuesday morning. Yesterday my boss asked me to look for references regarding papaya stuff. If we can find a 'Solo' papaya plantation, I might start doing my own laboratory experiment this week. I'm a bit excited but at the same time I'm asking myself if this is the kind of work I wanna be doing for the next few years. I don't know. But I'm stuck here right now.

Been waiting for a call regarding the job application I submitted last week. Maybe I should wait no longer. The job is for an magazine. Maybe I come short of their requirements. Yes, in the mean time I'm stuck here in my work.

I don't have a contract yet. The last one just ended last September 20. Almost a month now of working without salary, or worse, without any legal proof that I am in a job.

Whew! Manic Tuesday?

All I know right now is today, I'm Mr. Chef.