Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Lab Rat

I have two on-going experiments this week. Both are about papaya. This is a not-so-familiar territory for me. I remember during my college days, how I despise lab works. And I got big hands, I'm so clumsy. This is no biggie though for my work-mates who are used to doing lab works and stuff. They just love the lab. I'm a noob and there's a voice in my head that tells me that I can commit a mistake anytime.

Yesterday, I accomplished three major things. I bought papaya in Divisoria, a place I hate because of the heavy traffic and the smell, for my experiment. Then I set them up, which took me about 5 hours -- hot water treatment, 1-MCP, packing, and physico-chemical evaluation. Then I have to lead the worship for the single prof fellowship at 7PM. I was literally in a spin. My knees were trembling at some point, I don't know if because I was tired or because I was hungry.

I'm not sure if I'm liking this lab thing. My boss is insistent that I learn all of these, on my own. Training, yeah. Indeed learning never stops.