Sunday, November 09, 2008


This is the third time that I'm an emcee for a wedding. This is one thing that I love doing. I like celebrations and the sheer joy of being with people you hold dear and stirring up things for them.

The wedding was a blessing and as a friend puts it, one of the best weddings he has attended. Same goes for me. Why was it one of the bests? Let me count the ways...

  • The couple were both good friends and former housemates of mine and their happiness were infectious.
  • I got to see my Ate Ritchi again after four years. She was right when she said that it was just like yesterday. She fell asleep and she woke up with 3 lovely kids and a husband with a big, and I mean BIG heart. She was the same Ate Ritchi I met her in the cell group 9 years ago.
  • Meg and Claire were stunning!
  • I got to spend time with my Josh my "inaanak, Ate Ritchi's son. He's a no nonsense kid. Talks like a grown up. Also the twins, they are adorable.
  • It was a pool wedding. It rained only before and after, but not during the wedding ceremony. A rainbow appeared as if the sky joins the couple in their celebration. It literally put a color in the celebration.
  • The dance/surprise number was a great way to end the program. It was a crowd stealer and the guests were screaming. "Sige, ikembot..."
  • Someone tripped off the pool during the ceremony but it was handled well. I didn't imagine that it can happen, though.
  • I slept in the same room with the newlyweds. Haha!! We were all tired and I shared the big bed with Ate Ruby. She's on one end and I was on the other end.
Left me thinking... how about when I get married?