Saturday, November 01, 2008

Holiday Saturday

Nothing really interesting happened today. It's just a lazy Saturday for me even if a lot of people are having their own little reunions in the cemetery. One thing I like about All Saint's Day are the flowers. It's like Valentine's Day on a November... though the thought is kinda creepy.

I had two movies today. One is a chick-flick whose title is not worth mentioning and the other was City of Angels. I have watched the latter a few times already but I always forget the part where Seth said those lines... "I'd rather have one breath of her hair..."

It's been a while since I had my last frappucino. I had coffee (or blended coffee) with Macky today at the rowdiest coffee shop in Los Baños. Their coffee is good but the place is so noisy, not to mention the very limited space. Those bunch of kids playing cards and screaming and cursing are just detestable!

That's all for today. I still have to decide if I'm going shopping with Ate Donna tomorrow. I don't know if I have to buy a new suit for the wedding next Saturday. I'm dead broke. But I sure need a hair cut.