Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I missed the typhoon in Los Baños. I was in Pampanga last night to attend a ministry activity there. Except for the heavy downpour, which is becoming normal nowadays, it was just a normal wet weather there.

I am not going to talk about typhoon Basyang today, you'll read it in the news. I just wanna share how I was blessed with the conversation that I had last night with one of my best brothers in the ministry. We talked until 2:00 AM sharing about what the Lord has been doing in our lives recently and how are we doing in our walk with God. His is a more exciting one. He shared his devotional notes with me (he said I was the first time that he shared his notes to somebody else) and I, too was thrilled with how clear and consistent the Lord is speaking to him lately about some promises and admonitions. We shared prayer requests (amidst the blackout) and we ended praying for one another (which we usually do) before we retired. One of his prayer requests was to buy a new motorbike.

I just realized how blessed I am for having Godly friends like Da. One whom you won't hesitate to open your life with and whom you won't be ashamed to accept rebuke from. Friends whom you can share your frailties and joys and the nonsense things. Forging such kind of bond with other guys is rare as we are more keen in keeping our emotions and vulnerabilities to ourselves. We dare not to expose them because it's a sign of weakness. But that's not necessarily true. Sometimes, admitting that you are weak and vulnerable is a display of bravery and humility and honesty. And those are virtuous traits.