Friday, July 09, 2010


It was my first time to donate blood last Thursday. The thought that a tube will be inserted in my vein to draw blood scared the crap out of me. I tried to build rapport and joke with the nurses who evaluated my fitness to donated blood so as to divert my nervousness. It took about 15 minutes to draw 450 cc of blood in my system. There is a slight pain but it was manageable and the bleeder was friendly.

Speaking of bleeder, the lady nurse handed me a sort of donation card attesting that I gave out blood. In the card was my name, the volume of blood I donated and the name of the bleeder, which reminded me of someone.

By the way, my blood type is B+.


ruvicyn said...

Yahoo! may blood donor na ako. hehehe. pareho tayo blood type.

manÜ said...

haha! talaga te?! nice! :)